VERT ANALYTICS is committed to safeguarding the privacy of users on its websites and social media platforms. The purpose of this policy is to inform how the company treats users’ personal data.

Any information provided to or collected by VERT ANALYTICS is handled with the utmost care and under the strictest security standards. The company is prepared to comply with the provisions of Law No. 13,709/2018 – General Data Protection Law, Law No. 13,853/2019 – establishing the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), and Decree No. 10,474/2020 – regarding the ANPD’s organizational structure.

The processing procedures adhere to legal guidelines and best practices, promoting transparency, ensuring the exercise of user rights, and safeguarding privacy. Access to this information is restricted and controlled, and any violation of these rules may lead to applicable administrative, disciplinary, and legal sanctions.

This document establishes rules regarding the processing of personal data or any other information provided by users while browsing, accessing, filling out, and/or using our websites and social media.

By browsing, accessing, filling out, and/or using our sites, the user indicates awareness of this policy and agrees to the terms outlined herein. It is crucial to read this policy carefully.

For any questions, please contact us at:


1.1. VERT ANALYTICS is a IT solutions company specializing in the development, provision, and integration of technologies for the digital transformation of its clients’ businesses.


2.1. VERT ANALYTICS will obtain personal data when voluntarily provided by the user, including but not limited to:

– Subscribing to the newsletter to follow news and updates related to VERT ANALYTICS.
– Submitting forms with inquiries on the website.
– Applying for job vacancies via the site or landing page.
– Registering to access materials such as case studies and others.
– Registering to participate in events promoted by VERT ANALYTICS (live/webinar).
– Registering to receive communications from the commercial team about our solutions.

2.2. Personal data may also be obtained by VERT ANALYTICS through cookies and conversion pixels. In the case of cookies, file installation on your device may not be necessary.

2.3. Other technologies may be used for obtaining browsing data, always respecting the terms of this Policy and the user’s choices regarding its collection and storage.

2.4. VERT ANALYTICS is not responsible for the accuracy or lack thereof in the information provided by the user, and/or for its outdated nature. It is the user’s responsibility to provide accurate information and update it as needed.

2.5. Personal data that VERT ANALYTICS may collect include, but are not limited to:

– Name and surname.
– Email address.
– Address.
– Phone number.
– Position.
– Company.
– LinkedIn profile.
– Browsing data.

2.6. The forms available on VERT ANALYTICS websites, filled out by users, may undergo changes in their fields, and therefore, the list of personal data obtained by VERT ANALYTICS may increase or decrease.

2.7. Other non-personal information that VERT ANALYTICS may collect when users browse our sites includes, but is not limited to:

– Company’s legal name.
– Website.
– Comments.
– Business partner’s name.
– Monthly transaction quantity.
– Academic background.
– Profile (area of the financial sector in which the user operates).


3.1. Personal data collected by VERT ANALYTICS may be used for the following purposes:

I – Browsing Data:

– To personalize the experience, helping respond better to individual needs.
– To improve our website, continually striving to enhance offerings based on received information and feedback.
– To improve the service provided, helping respond more efficiently to requests.
– To safeguard rights and obligations related to the use of our site, including legal and administrative measures.

II – Registration Data:

– To identify and authenticate the user properly.
– To send periodic emails, using the provided email address for information updates, occasional news from VERT ANALYTICS, related products, or information about our events (newsletter).
– To allow users to apply for job vacancies.
– To enable users to submit questions through our Help Center.
– To allow users to receive our (e-books, checklists, and spreadsheets) and participate in our events.
– To target and execute advertisements believed to be of interest.
– To send relevant communications to investors and interested parties.

III – Cookie and Conversion Pixel Data:

– For marketing and remarketing actions.
– To understand platform behavior and improve product development.


4.1. VERT ANALYTICS may share personal data with:

– Other companies or affiliates of VERT ANALYTICS.
– Public entities, agencies, or authorities, as required by applicable law.
– Companies authorized by VERT ANALYTICS to process personal data necessary for the activities related to the operation of the sites and/or other contracted services.
– Commercial partners for marketing activities.

4.2. Internally, personal data will only be accessed by professionals duly authorized by VERT ANALYTICS, within legal limits and respecting the principles of proportionality, necessity, and relevance. Any sharing of personal data will serve to help VERT ANALYTICS achieve its objectives.

4.3. VERT ANALYTICS reaffirms its commitment to confidentiality and the preservation of user privacy, as per this Policy.


5.1. VERT ANALYTICS will record user activities on the site, creating logs that may contain:

– Actions performed on the site.
– Pages accessed on the site.
– Dates and times of user actions on the site, as well as access to pages and screens of tools and functionalities used.
– Information about the device used, operating system version, device location, browser, among other installed applications and software.
– Session and User ID, when available.


6.1. Personal data collected by VERT ANALYTICS will be stored in a secure and controlled environment. VERT ANALYTICS disclaims any responsibility for damages and/or losses arising from unauthorized access caused by failures, viruses, or any other database invasion techniques, except in cases where there is intent or negligence, considering the state of the available technology.

6.2. Data may be stored on VERT ANALYTICS’ own server or third parties contracted for this purpose, whether located in Brazil or abroad. Storage may also be in the cloud (cloud computing) and/or other storage forms that may arise in the future, always aiming to improve and enhance VERT ANALYTICS’ activities and data security.

6.3. VERT ANALYTICS may, for audit purposes and to preserve its rights, retain the history of personal data records for a period exceeding 5 (five) years, counted from the cancellation of the user’s Access Account (if applicable). This period may be extended in cases where the law or regulatory norm establishes it.


7.1. Users have rights and guarantees regarding their personal data, in accordance with the LGPD. Therefore, users may request from VERT ANALYTICS:

– Confirmation and access to their personal

data: details and/or a copy of personal data stored by VERT ANALYTICS.
– Modification or correction of personal data: changes to personal data when identified as incorrect, incomplete, and/or outdated.
– Revocation and/or deletion of consent (when applicable): revocation of consent, given to VERT ANALYTICS, under the terms of the LGPD. Revoking consent will result in the inability to use all features of VERT ANALYTICS’ sites. Upon revoking consent, VERT ANALYTICS will cease the processing of previously collected personal data, except for anonymized data and personal data necessary for VERT ANALYTICS and/or a third party to defend against legal, arbitration, and/or administrative actions and/or to fulfill legal and/or regulatory obligations.
– Blocking, anonymization, and portability of personal data (when applicable): requesting VERT ANALYTICS to block or anonymize collected personal data, according to the LGPD. Users may also request the portability of their personal data when the ANPD publishes regulations on this right.
– Receive information about the storage of their history: contacting VERT ANALYTICS, and allowing VERT ANALYTICS to contact the user, to access certain features of our sites, clarify doubts about the platform, make complaints and/or suggestions, by email, phone, or through the platform. Messages and conversations will be stored by VERT ANALYTICS and may be used as evidence in court, for service provision, or in other cases provided by law.

7.2. To exercise rights or ask questions, users may contact VERT ANALYTICS through the email:


8.1. VERT ANALYTICS uses reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect information under its control. It is crucial to understand that no data transmission over the internet or data storage system can be guaranteed as 100% secure.

If users have reasons to believe that their interaction with us is no longer secure, such as signs that account security is compromised, we ask them to notify the company immediately via email at


9.1. VERT ANALYTICS is not responsible for the privacy, information, or other practices of any third parties, including any third party operating any site containing a link. The inclusion of a link on the site does not imply endorsement of the linked site by VERT ANALYTICS or its affiliates.


10.1. The content of this policy may be updated or modified at any time, according to VERT ANALYTICS’ purpose or convenience, as well as for legal adaptation and compliance with laws or regulations with equivalent legal force. Users should check it whenever accessing VERT ANALYTICS’ sites.

10.2. In case of any doubts regarding the provisions of this Policy, users should contact the Support Center through the email

10.3. To offer greater security to personal data, third-party companies that may process any of the data collected by VERT ANALYTICS must, by obligation, respect the conditions stipulated here and VERT ANALYTICS’ information security standards.

10.4. If any provision of this Policy is deemed illegal or illegitimate by authorities in your location or your Internet connection, the remaining conditions will remain in full force and effect.


11.1. This policy will be interpreted according to Brazilian law, in Portuguese, with the forum of Brasília-DF elected to resolve any disputes or controversies involving this document, except for specific competence, territory, or functionality reservations established by applicable law.